Home > Uncategorized > Now is the Time to Rise Up

Now is the Time to Rise Up

Now is the time for all people of good conscience to Rise Up and show they will not cower in fear as their rights a put under assault.

(That is a brave sentiment, but will you put your money where your mouth is tough guy?)

I’m already giving to the ACLU.

(Right, that costs you like 10 bucks a month and total anonymity.  You’re a pussy is what you are.)

I’ll take that as a compliment.  In fact, I’m not just a pussy, I’m an Angry Pussy!

(Angry or Afraid?)

Both.  Angry because I am afraid- of saying something loud enough to be heard.  Angry because I am even more afraid of not saying something, and taking a tax break while others lose their right to vote, to speak freely, to healthcare, to herd immunity.  While my kids rights are threatened before they even have a voice.

(Still here though, aren’t you pussy?  Little old ladies are less afraid than you! lmfao)


I have a family with kids to worry about.

(What is the world coming to when a fully grown all american white middle class man, son of a vet and a nurse, is so afraid to exercise his rights that he will sit quietly rather than speak up.  There are kids with their whole lives ahead of them that are less timid!)

I think it’s time to open a new channel and see if Daphnis can make a wave or two.  Wait for it… I’m an Angry Pussy after all.

Categories: Uncategorized
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