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People are Saying…

I would never say it because I don’t traffic in unsubstantiated reports and rumors, but still there are a lot of people talking about it.  A lot of very smart people too.  People who know things, lots of things that I don’t know about.  People are saying that Trump has deep ties to Russia.  And they are some of the smartest people in the world, so you have to wonder if maybe it’s true.  So, some very smart people are talking about it and they are saying there is a report from a competent and reliable intelligence source.  They are saying that the Russians have the goods on Trump.  I would never say it, but a lot of very smart people who know a lot of things are saying it folks.  They are even saying that the FBI knew about it and kept it covered up.  It isn’t me, because how would I know?  I mean maybe we should believe it.  They are saying the Russians have video of Trump in orgies where he gets golden showers from Russian prostitutes.  Now, I’m not saying it’s true, but a lot of people are talking about it.  And how the Russian’s plan to blackmail Trump with it.  And that’s just the start folks.  But remember, we just don’t know, it could be true.  Who knows?  People are saying that Trump and the Russians colluded to defame Hillary Clinton with leaks and innuendo.  It’s very worrying if it’s true.  They are saying that Paul Manafort coordinated the meetings and the information releases.  Of course, I don’t know, I would never say it’s true without some more evidence.  But a lot of people are talking about it and it’s very worrying indeed.

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