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Dear Trump Voter

As you know, I voted for Hillary, but your guy won so congratulations.  I would like to lay some ground rules down as a result.  Dumb-Ass Donald will inherit a record stock market, rising wages and unemployment below 5%, but Obama gets the blame for that.  As Dumb-Ass told us, the economy is in a shambles.  So we expect results as promised- meaning lower unemployment, faster wage growth and good, high paying new jobs in the rust belt and coal country.  And also, 3 years from now please remember that if you ever in my presence say “well there was no way anybody could know…” about Trump, I will literally strangle you.  I will be happy to let you run your victory laps uncontested if and when Trump delivers.  I’m rooting for you, but I wouldn’t put any bets on your prospects based on what I’ve seen so far.


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