
Archive for October, 2012

Quite honestly this is what I would like to hear….

October 12, 2012 Leave a comment

Let’s review what happened. In 2000 the bubble burst. After that the economy did pretty well until the great recession. In 2001 we were attacked by Al Qaeda. We invaded Afghanistan. We invaded Iraq. The great recession hit right about the time we elected the first Black President. He passed healthcare reform and ended the war in Iraq. He also has planned the removal of troops in 2014. When he took office the economy was losing 700,000 jobs a month, and now it is gaining 130,000 jobs per month. Unemployment went over 10% and is now below 8%- which is about even to what it was when Obama tool office. Has the recovery taken longer than we wanted? Yes. Is it going in the right direction? We think it is. If you don’t agree, ok. But we think you feel it, in your gut. Our opponents think they could have done it better. Well, hindsight is 20/20. The fact is, you are better off than you were when we took office. And you know it because you are no longer falling off a cliff. Osama Bin Laden is dead. We are out of Iraq. Your kids can go to college and stay on your insurance. No longer can you be cut off from your insurance because of an arbitrary limit. No more can you be declined coverage for a pre-existing condition. Did these things cost us? Some, but they will save us more in the long run and you know it. Here’s what we want to do: We want to end the war in Afghanistan, our longest running active conflict, and let Afghanis take over their own security on their own dime- by the way we have the same timeframe for doing so as our opponents. We will continue the policies that have stopped the decline of our economy- and started it growing fully expecting that it will not only grow, but accelerate. As we have seen over the past 3 years. Let’s be honest, we have taken out the leadership of Al Qaeda, and stopped the fall of the economy over a cliff. We’ll take that record. It ain’t perfect, but it’s better than the opposition- remember Mitt Romney will lose the state he Governed. A majority of the people who live in the state he governed will not vote for him. You will not be better off with him.

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